Microstream is an extensive and lightweight observable library inspired by the callbag spec and rxjs. It provides composable utilities to build event-driven applications, allowing for the creation, transformation and consumption of event sources.
A fundamental part of programming which we use in many of the tasks we come across is the manipulation and transformation of lists/streams of data. There are various existing built-in patterns we use when programming to handle such lists of data and events.
The simplest pattern is to use the built-in Array and it's various functional methods, including filter, map and reduce.
When the data is continuously generated or the shape of the list is not known ahead of time, we may go to using Iterators. The values of an iterator can be pulled by a consumer on demand through the .next() method.
Asynchronous Iterators
When we start dealing with asynchronous lists of data the problem becomes more complicated, and we can sometimes resort to using async iterators instead which we can once again pull data from.
Why not use these built-in solutions?
While these previously described solutions are perfectly suitable for many scenarios, the problem with them is that the transformation of such iterators (both synchronous and asynchronous), combined with the managing of their associated subscriptions (for example, cleaning up every event listener you subscribed to, or closing all of the files you opened a connection to) can easily become difficult to manage and can grow out of control easily without a solid framework to build around.
As well as this, the problem becomes much more complicated when we introduce lists of data (potentially asynchronous) which cannot be pulled from (ie. they cannot be accessed on demand, eg. a stream containing the coordinates of mouse movements — the user controls them, not the programmer). In this case the production / creation of the data cannot be strictly controlled by us. This is where the concept of reactive programming comes in to play, and is the problem that Microstream aims to solve, by providing an easy way to manage, transform, and subscribe to created streams of events.
Reactive Programming
Reactive programming with Microstream provides a few new primary data structures: the Source, which describes both synchronous and asynchronous streams of events, the Sink, which is used to subscribe to sources, and the Operator, allowing for the aggregation and transformation of sources.
This allows us to transform collections of complicated asynchronous events as simply as we would filter the values in an array.
In this way
rxjs1 Microstream can essentially be thought of as Lodash for events.
Built in to JavaScript there are a few fundamental representations of items and sequences of values:
single item | zero, single or multiple items | |
pull based | get T | Iterator<T> |
push based | Promise<T> |
However there remains a gap for push-based streams. Sources fill the gap, providing a simple representation of push-based synchronous and asynchronous sequences of items/events:
single item | zero, single or multiple items | |
pull based | get T | Iterator<T> |
push based | Promise<T> | Source<T> |
You can essentially think of sources as being the both synchronous and asynchronous "push"-based equivalent to iterators, whereby values/events are "pushed" to consumers whenever they are available.
Microstream fills the need for immutable, asynchronous push-based streams in JavaScript, and utilizes concepts from the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern as well as patterns from functional programming with collections, allowing for a simple way to manage sequences of events.
1. ^
This quote is shamelessly stolen from the RxJS documentation. The original quote had RxJS instead of Microstream... Sorry! I couldn't resist.
Why use Reactive Programming?
When programming, we often come across situations where we have to subscribe to and transform sequences of events out of our control (a classic example being when you need to react to a sequence of user keystrokes in a text input in order to build a typeahead). Managing all of the subscriptions and data sources, the relationship between them, their transformation and their cleanup / disposal can quickly become complicated and turn our code into a mess of spaghetti which can become hard to deal with using traditional programming techniques.
This is where reactive programming shines. We implement the Reactive Programming paradigm through the following core types:
Source - represents a series of future events which can be subscribed to.
Sink - used to consume Sources - that is, a Sink can be used to subscribe to the events emitted by a given Source.
Event - there are three types of events: Push events which push a value, Error events which carry an error and End events which are the last events emitted by a Source.
Operator - used to transform one Source to another Source, for example: map, filter, debounce, etc.
Disposable - acts as a subscription given to Sources and other actions which can be cancelled through its disposal.
Subject - both a Source and Sink - allows for a controlled distribution of events to many concurrent consumers.
ScheduleFunction - used to schedule events and in general callbacks (for example, to tell a source to emit an event every 100ms).
These structures all combine to allow for the easy creation, transformation / composition, and subscription to event streams. The 100+ operators we provide allow for you to efficiently filter, aggregate, transform and compose sources of events, and much more.
Using reactive programming with Microstream has the following advantages:
Microstream provides a model to drastically simplify dealing with asynchronous data.
Microstream allows your code, which handles complex ideas (such as the transformation and aggregation of different streams of events), to remain readable and understandable to both you and others.
Microstream simplifies the cleanup and disposal of the subscriptions used (eg. cleaning up open files, event listeners, etc.), which in the majority of cases is done automatically upon unsubscription.
Motivating Concepts
The primary idea behind the development of Microstream is the provision of a reactive model of programming that allows you to create, transform and subscribe to streams of events as simply as you would manage and transform a collection of items such as an Array.
Avoiding Callback Hell
We all love promises because they allow for the avoidance of so called callback hell. But the problem remains for asynchronous streams of data. Using Microstream frees you from those nasty deep callbacks, increasing the readability of your code and thereby reducing the risk to bugs.
Using existing solutions such as chains of promises, event emitters and/or simply callbacks may be straightforward for very simple operations, but they quickly become non-trivial and complex when their usage is nested or extended to more complex situations and interactions.
Furthermore, in JavaScript there exists no simple built-in solution to easily compose and aggregate such streams of events in a simple and effective manner while keeping track of their subscriptions and automatically cleaning them up upon unsubscription.
This is an area in which Microstream shines, as it is intended for composing sequences of asynchronous data while abstracting away the cleanup of all side effects involved in creating the source of data so that in most cases you don't even have to think about it.
Microstream Sources are not just built for the streaming of singular values (although they can very well be used for that purpose), but are also used for the streaming of multiple or even infinite values.
Similarly, Sources can not only be used for synchronous streams of data, but can also be used for asynchronous streams of data (such as intervals, or user interactions).
Sources also allow for not just the transformation of values (described as "Push") events, but also allow for the transformation of emitted error and complete events, allowing for situations such as the recovery from such errors (eg. retrying network requests), as well as for example the repetition of a given source upon completion.
While traditional bare-bones callback solutions to streams of events are highly imperative, Sources are inherently declarative and abstract away the handling of the underlying subscriptions used to create the data source.
Tiny Bundle Size
We wouldn't be able to use the word micro in the name of our library if it wasn't for Microstream's absurdly tiny bundle size.
The current version of @microstream/core is 8.822Kb large when compressed using brotli at the highest compression level2.
Note: This size includes all of the 150+ exports provided by this library. In reality, your final bundle size will be a fraction of that number because you are unlikely to use all of the exports.
In comparison, many of the other popular libraries which provide comparable functionality are all significantly larger in size.
2. ^ How is the size calculated?
The size of this library is calculated as the size of the entire es5 transpiled and minified version of @microstream/core's es-module code at brotli level 11 compression. For reference, when compressed using gzip at the highest level, the size is 9.814Kb.
Using npm:
npm install @microstream/core
Or using yarn:
yarn add @microstream/core
Supported Languages
Microstream is written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, and provides TypeScript typings out-of-the-box. There are no flow typings as it is a complex task to automatically generate them from the TypeScript source files due to the fact that flow shares it's type namespace with it's variable namespace, meaning there are several collisions after conversion.
Because TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and conversion between the two for small examples is trivial, the examples shown in this documentation are written in TypeScript.
Tree Shaking
All of the packages are tree shakable, so if your bundler supports tree shaking then you can pull in all of the exports you need without worrying about bundling the entire library. Bundlers which support tree shaking include webpack, rollup, parcel v1 and parcel v2.
Because this library is tree shakable, all exports for each package are exported at the index location of that package. For example, to import some core variables, you would simply import them from @microstream/core:
import { Source, Sink, subscribe, pipe, range, takeWhile } from '@microstream/core'; pipe( range(10), takeWhile(n => n <= 5), subscribe(event => console.log(event)) );
Using Microstream
Using Microstream is simple: just import the methods and variables you need to use from this package and use them. Because this package is tree-shakable, you don't have to worry about large bundle sizes from the 100+ utilities exported by this library because they will be stripped away by your bundler in production (reference: Tree Shaking).
Microstream exposes all of its methods and utilities, all of which are exported from the root of the package:
// TypeScript / ESModules. import { fromPromise } from '@microstream/core'; // or CommonJS. const { fromPromise } = require('@microstream/core');
Until the pipeline operator becomes standard, we expose a tiny pipe utility which simply calls the input value (which is the first argument) against the functions in the order in which they are given, and returns the output:
import { pipe, interval, map, take, subscribe } from '@microstream/core'; pipe( interval(1000), // Create an interval source: 0...1...2...etc. map(x => x * 2), // Operate: times each push event by two: 0...2...4...etc. take(3), // Only take three values: 0...2...(4|) subscribe(event => { // Subscribe to the operated source. console.log(event); // Logs: Push(1) after 1s // Logs: Push(2) after 2s // Logs: Push(3) after 3s // Logs: End }) );
For reference, the above code is equivalent to the following without the pipe operator:
import { interval, map, take, subscribe } from '@microstream/core'; const intervalSource = interval(1000); const mapOp = map(x => x * 2); const takeOp = take(3); const mappedSource = mapOp(intervalSource); const finalSource = takeOp(mappedSource) const consumer = subscribe(event => console.log(event)) consumer(finalSource) // Logs: same as above
Furthermore, subscribe is simply sugar used in the pipe function that takes a Sink and returns a function which will subscribe to a given source. For reference, you can also manually subscribe to sinks:
import { fromArray, Sink, subscribe } from '@microstream/core' pipe(fromArray(1, 2, 3), subscribe(event => console.log(event))) // Equivalent to... const source = fromArray(1, 2, 3) const sink = Sink(event => console.log(event)) source(sink) // Or in a one-liner... fromArray(1, 2, 3)(Sink(event => console.log(event)))